

I am Dana Coburn and am asking for your help to save my life. I am a humble and private person. I have never asked for financial assistance from anyone. But my DESIRE TO LIVE is now much greater than my hesitation. I need help. I am a highly conscientious, ethical, honest and deeply caring person. My beautiful life changed drastically in April 2024 after seeing a doctor regarding some health anomalies, and was diagnosed with a supposedly rare form of cancer. This was the last thing I ever expected to hear after living cleanly and conscientiously for decades. But it is real. Since the diagnosis, I have committed every hour of my waking day to healing from it—physically, medically, emotionally and spiritually. Here are some important things to know about my cancer journey: 1. I am FULLY COMMITTED to healing from this. Rare cancer does not equal death. It can be eradicated if treated effectively. 2. Due to this cancer’s severity, I pursued traditional chemotherapy as a means of shrinking this large tumor. However, during just the first cycle, a serious medical mishap occurred and I had a near-death neurotoxic reaction to the chemo. It immediately put me into a 3-day long coma. When I awoke, I remained mentally limited for several more days. Due to the severity of the reaction, it is advised against continuing with further chemo treatments at the risk of permanent brain damage. Now my ONLY CHOICE IS TO SEEK ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS as my best chance for survival and to regain my health again. 3. Additional complications from this type of cancer have also brought about immobility and excruciating pain. 4. I am very knowledgeable about alternative cancer treatment options known to lessen or even fully eradicate cancer without the use of highly toxic conventional chemotherapy. Since I do not have traditional chemo as an option, I have located an alternative treatment center in the United States. This integrative cancer center does EVERY TYPE of modality known to rebalance the immune system to fight the cancer, INCLUDING AN ALTERNATIVE FORM OF CHEMOTHERAPY that does not require massive doses of poisonous chemo drugs to be effective. In conjunction with all other possible cancer treatments, this type of chemo has proven to be effective and successful. This cancer center has been effectively treating patients for 19 years. BUT…insurance does not pay for alternative cancer treatments!! Thus, to be able to participate in the entire program I must raise funds on my own to save my own life. Along with my intense desire to LIVE, I KNOW that I can do this. I am highly motivated to continue with my life of dedication and service to all animals and people in need. It is not my time yet. These funds will be used to cover the cost of non-insurable medical expenses. They will be used to for: The known cost of my treatment plan at this cancer facility; The payment of many medical bills also not covered by insurance, including recent hospitalizations, emergency room services and other uninsurable medical requirements; Medical transportation to and from medical appointments; and A home caregiver (also not covered by insurance) whose services are urgently necessary such as food preparation which I cannot do for myself right now, and to pick up prescription medicine and groceries since I cannot drive at this time. I believe that my ability to recover from cancer is 100% possible with the full range of alternative cancer treatment modalities. Once again, I am unable to undergo conventional chemotherapy due to its life-threatening side effects of neurotoxicity in my case. With needed financial resources to complete treatments over a period of months and a HUGE desire to continue my life, I humbly ask for assistance to successfully complete this cancer journey. If you find it in your heart to help, I believe this to be the best route for survival and the continuation of a deserving life in service to others. Please donate whatever you are able to. Any amount is deeply appreciated. And please spread my sincere message and request to others far and wide. This is an urgent request. It is a large tumor still with potential to continue to grow. The prior treatment for it has shown promise of shrinkage, but I cannot afford to wait long—it must be treated as soon as possible. My will to live is unstoppable, but I need your financial support to continue to live and receive treatment that can save my life. I will keep you updated as often as possible! With sincere and deep gratitude, Dana

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