

PLEASE HELP! Crista Johnson, who rarely asks for help, needs help immediately. Due to a septic infection on Crista's foot, she has been through four surgeries and hospitalized for a week. Forced to keep weight off of her foot she can't walk, work, or care for her family. Home health comes in once a week for picc line changes, and blood work to ensure kidney health. Crista faces surgery on Wednesday, July 26 to remove her pinky toe and bone that the infection has deteriated. More surgeries are required to repair her foot & leg malformities. Even though Brian continues to bring in biweekly income, expenses overwhelm them. To continue the family's insurance, flex payments, and other payroll-paid deductions, Crista has to come up with +/- $900 biweekly. This lady has been a valuable supporter of the community and her children's activities. She never slows down but is now forced to stop. This medical situation has taken a toll on her mental, physical, and financial health.

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