

I'm setting up this page to help raise funds for a Ukrainian refugee mom Hanna Harbuziuk, age 42, who desperately needs surgery. Hanna and her husband Maksym and their children barely escaped Ukraine with their lives. Their home and farm in Eastern Ukraine were destroyed by the Russian military last March. With the help of my friend, they came to America with nothing and settled in Ohio among a large Ukrainian community outside Columbus. Maksym got a job in construction. Their kids enrolled in schools and began to learn English. Things began looking up. Then, tragedy hit the family again. Hanna needs surgery for a serious medical condition. The first surgery needs to take place in mid-July. Their insurance won’t cover it. Her husband’s earnings go for immediate living expenses—and so the family has no savings. Can you please help Hanna? Even a small contribution can make a difference. Please help her get back on her feet so that she can continue to be there for her ten kids as they adjust to a new language, a new home, a new country. All contributions will go to cover Hanna's surgery, which is actually a series of operations. Any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Many thanks for caring enough to help. Even a small gift will let her know someone cares.

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