

Hi Everyone, we are Grandma and Nonnie for Baby Ivy. Our precious children are facing what no parent should face - their unborn child may not survive more than a few hours after birth. Cassi and Elliott are currently seven months pregnant with their 2nd child, due August 26, a precious little girl named Ivy Eleanor. A few weeks ago, during a routine ultrasound to be ok’d for a home birth, they were told that Baby Ivy has Hydrops, a disorder that causes fluid to build up in different parts of the baby’s body, including her lungs and head. Due to this, Baby Ivy's lungs are drastically underdeveloped and she was also diagnosed with Dandy Walker Syndrome, a condition where the cerebellum is unable to be developed fully due to things such as fluid buildup. It’s difficult to even describe what this was like for them, being told their baby is very sick and that the likelihood for survival is extremely low. After meeting with several doctors and specialists, they were told that there is not much that can be done at this point to change the overall outcome other than to prepare for what’s to come. There is also a high risk of Cassi developing a condition known as Mirror Syndrome, a complication of Hydrops where Cassi may start accumulating fluid around her own vital organs. Because of this, Baby Ivy will need to be delivered at 34 weeks. Because of the complications of this pregnancy, their doctors' visits and tests, upcoming and additional hospital stays for both Baby Ivy and Cassi, and missed time at work for out-of-town doctor appointments, the medical bills are mounting and much of it is not covered through their insurance. Any amount you’re able to contribute will make an enormous difference and from the bottom of our hearts, we humbly ask that you share this link. Please keep sending prayers for Cassi, Elliott, Ivy and her big brother Evan. The enormous amount of support is greatly appreciated and comforting throughout this difficult time for them. We thank you for your support and may God bless each and every one of you.

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