

Hello and Thank You for taking the time out to read my plea for help.  My name is Tina Marie. I have  been volunteering with rescue to help save and rehabilitate  dachshunds for the last 18 years.  i've always donated money and my time to help others who came into hard times due to their fur babies. Hard times has fallen  upon me.  My very dear and loving lil boy Piper suddenly became ill.  A little bit about Piper. He is a double dapple  dachsund who was born with special needs.  He idapple Piper was born blind and deaf.  Even with these disabilities he always shown this world "LOVE".  Being he wasn't  able to see and hear ....He smelled the world! Please help keep Piper's LOVE alive.  Please donate  to his emergency medical fund (Any & All contribuations will extremely Help!) I  rescued Piper when he was just 11 months old.  He made his way into my sou! his ability to walk with confidence and trusting everyone he met Wanting to give them a face full of kisses!Now, is the hard part for me is to ask for help... 3 months ago Piper took ill suddenly. We took to his regular vet. They took blood tests and a chest X-ray  we were rush to Blue Pearl Hospital on West 55th Street with an enlarge heart lining.  The cardiologist tapped his heart and ran pathology on the fluid in a few days he was back to his typical  "HAPPY- LOVING, TRUSTING" self.  His hospital stay was almost $4,500 dollars.Six weeks later it happened again while we were  in Jersey. We rushed him  to the Garden State Emergency Vets, the lining had filled back in. Again, he was tapped with hopes that would be the last time he would need it.  The pathology both times came back negative.   It made my heart smile.   My baby boy Piper bounced back playing with  the other dachshunds in my care. His stay here was $3,800, Just two weeks ago Piper had the same symptoms.... so back to Blue Pearl we went.   The only option that would help Piper was to have emergency surgery to remove his heart lining.  (Being tapping him wasn't successful) Blue Pearl's estimate surgery fee was $13,000.  Piper's my heart and soul doxie , He had to have the surgery!  Being my credit cards were maxed from him being tapped. ... I was forced to apply for care credit.  I was granted $8,000,  the interest rate is 26.99%.  Amazingly, Piper  pulled through the surgery. The surgeon and I where thrilled.  My heart was filled with such Joy.   Piper came home from the hospital 3 days later.  He was comfortable being home with his brothers and sister.  I can't express how much love & joy he filled my home with. He was happy and loving as always!"Love is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear!To all dog lovers out there.... please help with my plea for contributions for "Piper's" vet bills - so , I can keep his love alive! 6 days later Piper passed away in sleep at home!, My  heart is broken.  (If anyone want to see the vet bills feel free to ask , I will send them to you)Licks and Tailwags,Petey, Dachel & MitzGod Bless,Tina Marie

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