For the past 12 years, my Dad Peter Connors has been fighting cancer. He has a rare genetic mutation called Lynch Syndrome that essentially makes you much more likely to get certain types of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. My Dad’s condition has unfortunately reached a point where it is no longer responding to treatment and he is going to have to be put on hospice care. This has been incredibly difficult on my whole family and navigating helping my Dad during all of this has been agonizing due to the nature of the American Healthcare system being generally unhelpful in terms of giving us any assistance with finding him end of life care. My Mom’s job is our current main source of income and she will be going on family leave soon to help take care of my Dad, which means we will eventually have very limited income in order to pay all of our bills. My Mom and I want to spend this time navigating the challenges of hospice care in a way that allows us to spend as much time as possible with my Dad and ensure he is comfortable and not in any pain. The funds donated here will be used for our monthly bills as well as medical supplies for my Dad and any other expenses that arise due to his care or any emergencies that may occur while my Mom is not working. We also may potentially use any of these funds for services once my Dad passes as we have exhausted our savings and currently would not be able to afford to plan a funeral if something were to happen. My Dad has been fighting for an incredibly long time and has been extremely strong, and he deserves to live in comfort for however long he has left.
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