On March 12, 2016, our family will be traveling to Lima, Peru with our church - Westover Hills Church of Christ, in order to work with the Comunidad de Ninos La Sagrada Familia (an orphanage that our church supports). We will spend an entire week working with the orphanage, mainly loving on these precious children. This will be a once in a life time opportunity to give back to those who desperately need whatever we can give. In turn, this will be a life changing event in our family's lives. The entire trip for all 4 of us will be around $8000. With two almost in college, we desperately need any financial support we can get. Please consider giving whatever God places on your heart. Most importantly, please pray for us as we make this journey and may God's hand be in everything we do. Thank you for helping and supporting us!The Janszen family ~Todd, Laura, Amy, and Michaelah
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