

My name is Kristina, though most everyone online knows me as “Lady Eternal” or “Lady E”. I moved into my house in 2010, and up until 2019, things were going pretty well. And then my cat, who had been with me for 16 years, got sick with kidney disease. I nursed him for 6 months before losing him in April 2024 and falling into a serious depression. I closed the second floor of my house when he got sick, and left it that way when he was gone. I just worked from home, paid my bills and thought everything was fine. At Christmas 2024, I brought home a Pomsky puppy who has helped the emotional journey back from my cat’s loss, and re-energized my life. Things were looking better… Until I discovered in March 2024 that I had a mouse infestation and had to hire exterminators that spent 15 months getting rid of them. And the person I had hired to help maintain my yard was only mowing & not touching the invasive plants. After we finally parted ways in 2024, I had to hire a service that quoted me $1,600.00 to clean up the property. It’s taken me a year to save up the funds. My garage door opener stopped working properly in winter 2024. When I was finally able to get that serviced, we found that the door itself was cracked down the middle because the previous owners had jerry-rigged the opener’s track and the lack of proper support had buckled it. Replacing that will cost another $2,000.00. In fall 2024, the electrical circuit for the wall in my kitchen that my oven, dishwasher & garbage disposal are on began shorting out. I have been managing, but the short needs found and fixed at goodness-only-knows what expense. During a call to have my central air system serviced this past June, the HVAC guy discovered that my 34-year-old furnace’s heat exchange is rotting away. It needs to replaced before winter, which will be anywhere between $5,000.00 to $7,500.00 And most recently, my 9-year-old out-of-warranty refrigerator stopped working. I am currently using a 1 cubic foot dorm fridge and a 7-day camping cooler for what bare necessities I was able to salvage. My family cannot afford to bail me out of all this. It will take years to save the money on my own and credit cards are not an option, nor is taking out another loan against my house. If you can help, please, please do. Whatever you can spare will be so appreciated, because every dime will go towards rebuilding my house into the home it used to be, before depression and grief took their toll. Thank you, and blessed be.

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