

Humbly asking for help. I am currently on a week long roadtrip with my boyfriend Alex and my pride and joy, Pax. If you know me, you know he is my entire life. We have been having the time of our lives until a few hours ago. We woke up in the middle of the night in a hotel in Montana to Pax not acting right, rushed him to the ER vet and it turns out he has GDV, or bloat, an extremely deadly disease in dogs if not treated in hours. Luckily he is in surgery right now and being treated. Alex and I drained our bank accounts just for the deposit of the surgery. With Pax’s brother recently passing, to say I am a mess is an understatement. I am not sure how we are going to move forward from this financially, so I am humbly asking for any help. Being 10 hours away from home is going to make this harder as well. Thank you for reading and I will update you all on Pax when he is out of surgery.

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