

Hi, my name is Natasha Allas Croxall. My family has formed this Go Fund Me to help our dear friends, The Rhotens. Patrick Rhoten was in a terrible accident the night of June 17th, the eve of Father's Day. He rented a Lyme (electronic scooter) and had a tragic fall. He was rushed to the UCLA emergency room and had emergency surgery to remove a part of his skull to alleviate his swelling brain. In addition to the head injury, he suffered an injury to his left eye and a fractured pelvis. He has been in a coma for 8 weeks. He has been moved from UCLA Intensive Care Unit to California Rehabilitation Institute. He has very limited physical movement, able to move fingers and toes on the left side but not yet on the right side. He cannot speak, even though sometimes he tries, as he still breathes through a tracheotomy. He has a feeding tube. He will require significant physical, occupational and speech therapy. His family lives in San Diego so his wife Mae, is in Los Angeles while his children, Finn and Grace (17-year-old twins) are in San Diego starting the school year. Jack (19) is in college. Mae has her real estate license and has been working in San Diego, however, she had been with Patrick since the accident helping with the daily medical decisions that are needed. It is difficult to care for her husband in Los Angeles and work effectively as a realtor in San Diego. Any money raised from this Go Fund Me will assist Mae in covering her family's growing bills and help with medical bills which as we all know first hand are not always covered by insurance with a long, complicated hospital stay. Please consider donating. Anything is appreciated.

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