Por el huracán Patricia en nuestro pueblo pasaron muchos desastres Se perdieron muchas labores y el puente que nos comunica y la carretera también está destruidos completamente. Nesecitamos ayuda Quien guste colaborar con poquito que puedan hacemos una diferenciaMy name is Elvia M Belloso. I live here in Hayward CA but I am originally from Santa Rosa Mexico. I was born and raised there. This is why I am so passionate in helping friends, relatives and extended relatives who were affected by hurricane patricia. The funds will go towards repairing the bridge that was damaged, crops that were completly destroyed and to purchase food for those that are in need. The money that has been raised will be deposited to my bank account my LFEBridge and I will then withdraw the funds from my account and send the money via money gram to The president of Santa Rosa Jal, Fernando Peña. I thank you all for your donations and support.
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