

Hi, my name is Dawson and I need some help, please. My mom had surgery and had a stent put in her leg due to a blockage. She has Medicare, but no secondary. She developed a complication (sepsis) and had to be hospitalized a few weeks later for 5 days. Medicare paid its portion of the bills, but there is still an outstanding balance due of close to $8,000. My mom is 81 years old. She lives with me and I am her sole caregiver. I get no help or support at all from my brother or 3 sisters. I work a full-time job, but with our rent ($1,600 per month), her medications, and living expenses, it has become very hard to keep our heads above water. We also have car issues and sometimes have to utilize a food bank for groceries. All money raised will go towards paying down her medical bills. This is truly one of the hardest things to do as we have always tried to stand on our own, but it has just become to tough lately. Any help of any amount is greatly appreciated.

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