Damien Tracy is a 29-year-old father of 4 children, Izabella (7), Harrison and Oliver (twins, 6), and Rachel (3). He has been happily married to his wonderful wife Patty (daughter of David Edler and Maggie [Moon] Adams) for 9 years. We are asking for help to pay for medical bills that have become overwhelming for our son. Damien grew up in Benton and Franklin Counties, WA. He and his wife moved from this area to find an affordable home. Damien has been facing medical issues that have caused him to go to the emergency room with life-threatening blood issues for many years. He has finally been given a diagnosis of Hypogammaglobulinemia. It is a condition that will require monthly treatments through an IV, it will and has affected his ability to maintain both of his jobs, and he will have to continue to limit employment to one job. His wife Patty is also working to cover the bills, and additional family members are stepping in to help with child care. We are seeking those who think they can lend a hand with helping our son catch up with his medical bills. Any help would be appreciated. Although Damien has faithfully worked hard to provide for his family and has a decent job, they still face medical debt. The IVIG treatment alone would be $12,000 each month without insurance. Fortunately, insurance covers this treatment. Unfortunately, through his multiple hospital stays, appointments, and medication, Damien has gained and will continue accumulating medical debt that he cannot pay off. Some medical debt has been forgiven or paid by grants, but he still owes several thousand dollars. Damien relies most heavily on his Father in Heaven but now asks for help from his family, friends, and community. Damien’s mother and stepfather have moved in with them in their San Antonio home, so he has more physical help when needed. Any monetary support that can be given is deeply appreciated. Damien also asks people to consider donating plasma if possible, as that creates his life-saving IVIG medicine.
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