This is the story of Mary-Ann’s (known as Fred) journey. In April 2024, Fred was diagnosed with 2 brain tumours. Later on, we found out that unfortunately there wasn’t any treatment that could help and we had limited time with Fred left. We want to emphasise that not once did Fred moan, question why this was happening to her or ever think about giving up. Through the last 2 and a half months she showed nothing but courage and bravery throughout her journey, right until the end. As many of you already know, Fred was an amazing women. She was selfless, kind, caring, funny and loved with her whole heart. She has left such a big whole in our hearts but we will make her proud, every single day and hope you can support us by making a small donation. In July 2024, Fred was moved to St Michael’s Hospice in Basingstoke to spend her last days in comfort and with her family surrounding her. Every single staff member at the hospice gave Fred their undivided attention, 24/7 care and love. She would not have been more comfortable and peaceful if it wasn’t for them. Not only that, they continued to support our family day and night. As a family we would like to raise money to say thank you to St. Michael’s. Thank you for loving Fred like your own at her most vulnerable time, thank you for supporting us all, whether that be laughing together, crying together or just being there to lend a listening ear and thank you for allowing us to spend the precious time with our beautiful Fred. Please also look out for any fundraisers we will be doing in the future in lovely memory of our Fred. We appreciate every single donation that is made. Sweet dreams Fred - missed more than words can say and loved beyond belief x Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of St. Michael's Hospice (North Hampshire) and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me. More information about St. Michael's Hospice (North Hampshire): St Michaels Hospice (North Hampshire) enables people faced with life-limiting illness, their families and carers, to attain the highest possible quality of life by providing a choice of specialist care and support.
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