

Hi, My name is Ophelia Lilith Kay Tryggfrid. I was born over 8 weeks early. I weighed 3 pounds, 13 ounces and was 15" long. I am currently in the NICU being treated as I reach my full gestation period. My life is super scary right now as I am unable to see anyone other than nurses a majority of the day, but my mom and dad do come up as often as possible. Here is a little more information on everything that brought me here! Hello! My name is William. My pregnant wife, Molly, and I had finished dinner at 7pm last Tuesday, July 11th. She had asked if temporary blindness was something I had ever experienced, of course I said "No, that's not normal." As an early labor symptom, we headed to Ascension Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo. We arrived around 7:15 with our 9 year old daughter in tow. After getting checked in and getting to a Hospital room, my wife had been diagnosed with a life threatening Placental Abruption. Essentially, her placenta decided it was done, and was literally deteriorating and falling apart inside her body. If not caught soon enough, both my daughter and my wife would have passed away that day. Thankfully, her primary physician was on staff and already had everything prepped for a C-Section. The doctors performed an emergency C section in time to save the baby and my wife, but now we face a new set of challenges. The hospital she was born at cannot handle babies born as premature as her, and the next hospital in town equipped was full. Before my wife was able to hold our daughter, they transported her to Helen Devos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI, where they expect her to be for the next 6-8 weeks of care and development. Currently they are working on Lung Development. After lungs comes some brain development, followed by her ability to suck/eat among other important milestones. Final milestones are Body temperature regulation and the ability to withstand Life without NICU Support. We have already had some donations come by way of sharing on Facebook, but we are desperate. We have 1 month left of our Rent and have a mortgage due. We have taken extensions on all the loans we are able to, but are trying hard to not fall behind. All funds are being set aside strictly for bills. Any and all help is appreciated. Funds are used are used responsibly to help keep the car, and the house, as well as Gas.

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