IM MOVING TO KENYA!!! This September, I am moving abroad to serve on the Transforming Nations Kenya Missionary base. Transforming Nations has multiple outlets of ministry, which are always in need of laborers for Christ! Children's home Boys rehab center Girls rescue center widows care Missionary school I am ecstatic about the move and immensely grateful for all of my friends and family who have held my hand as I make this crazy leap of faith! This change requires so much faith and support, and I can't do it without YOU! To pursue where Christ is leading me, I need to raise $15,000. Your support would cover my flight, grocery expenses, local transportation expenses, and any ministry needs while I am abroad for the next year or two. YOU make this trip possible, and I thank you for that. whether you have supported me in Prayer, finances or mentorship I am profoundly thankful for you and pray that the Lord blesses you tenfold!
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