August 1, 2024 update: Chace and I have made the heart breaking but necessary decision to induce labor and deliever Olivia on Saturday August 5th. With this being said we are now faced with trying to find a funeral home for the cremation of our daughter and even more time off of work. On Monday, July 17th, we went in to the doctors for our normal 20 week anatomy scan and to see our daughter. About 2 hours after we left we got a phone call from the high risk pregnancy doctor asking us to come back in for her to repeat the anatomy scan as there were some concerns she had with our results. We went back and were faced with the devastating news that she has a rare brain disorder called Alobar holoprosencephaly or in other words meaning her brain hasn't divided into two hemispheres causing her to have a multitude of other health concerns. With everything going on with Olivia and the new unexpected medical costs and extra hospital and doctor visits we'll be faced with over the next few months we unfortunately won't be working our normal work hours and days putting us in a Financial hardship. It's not something easy for us to ask for help but we're asking for our daughter to give her the best chance she can get. If you can't help by donating we just ask that you share her story.
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