

Hi friends!! I am pursuing my life's passion of creating a nonprofit called Travel Through Trauma. Our mission is to provide underprivileged young adults with a history of trauma access to mental health resources and a solo travel experience around the world to further empower them in their healing. My belief is that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves a right to therapists and clinicians, and can have their perspective of life's opportunities expanded through the eye-opening powers of travel. In getting my nonprofit established, I have incurred over $3000 in charges (which goes to show how difficult it is for common folks with great intentions to build nonprofits LOL). I would be so appreciative of any help possible in supporting the future of this nonprofit, and ensuring we can have a strong start to our business. This funding will personally allow me to breakeven in the expenses I have paid out of pocket for Travel Through Trauma. Additional money raised will go directly to the nonprofit bank account to fund the mental health care and travels of our candidates. ANYTHING HELPS!!!

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