

At just under 3months old Noah woke on the 9th June 2024 with a non blanching rash all down the one leg. We took him straight to A&E suspecting he had meningitis. Blood tests revealed he actually had a critcally low platelet count of 8. The normal range is between 150-450. We got referred to Noah's Ark Childrens Hospital and on the 14th June 2024 he underwent a bone marrow aspiration to rule out leukaemia. Thankfully his bone marrow was completely normal and they gave us the suspected diagnosis of NAIT a condition he would need treatment to keep him safe but he would out grow. After genetic tests returned it was confirmed that it wasn't NAIT, we therefore currently have no diagnosis but they are now suspecting a rare blood disorder, whether it be lifelong or again something to grow out of is unknown. At 3 months old he has now had 4 platelet transfusions 2 x IVIG infusions, undergone surgery to have a hickman line fitted for vein access and a blood transfusion. He has also had 2 x immunotherapy. Noah's blood is unable to clot efficently so he is at risk of dangerous internal bleeding. Unfortunately we are trying to raise money as he needs injection weekly and due to Noah's age it's not available through the NHS. This is around £1300 a week per injection. We have applied for funding. If we are successful with funding the money will go to Noah's ark after Noah's needs are met. Follows Noah's journey here :- JOIN NOAH AND HELP HIM REBUILD HIS ARK

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