

Hi! I'm Lauren,  a potter, a total geek and a single mom... This week my 52 year old kiln Burnedette (pictured below) officially gave up the ghost.  I'm am now without my main source of income and heading into my busy season. I've done a lot of research and would like to invest in a new kiln with a computerized control panel. Burnedette has been a wonderful kiln, but having to bump her temperature every 2 hours during a 12 hour bisque firing was tedious. A computerized one would make firing so much easier allowing me to set it  without having to babysit it.   The kiln I would like to purchase. ‌Pottery is not only my livelihood but my passion! I love teaching workshops and having people join me for open studio times and sharing my love of all things ceramics with others! Instead of just giving me money, I would love to offer some incentives based on the level of donation.  My goal is $3000 which will not only cover the new kiln and accessories, but buy the clay and glazes needed to make the incentives! $15 - 1 magnet/holiday ornament$30 - 2 magnets/ ornaments or coasters $50 - 1 mug and a magnet/holiday $100 - 2 mugs and 4 magnets or a set of 4 coasters$150 - 2 mugs and 2 plates$200 - 2 mugs, 2 plates, and 2 bowls$500- 2 mugs, 2 plates, and 2 bowls all completely customizable.Please click my links, look at my photos, make a donation and allow me to make you something awesome! Thank you so much for visiting! the punknpatch Facebook pageMy etsy shopStar Wars Holiday ornaments Coasters

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