Aloha Friends and Family, We created this LFEBridge to provide a place for those who want to help financially support our family as we start over . God is SO FAITHFUL!! He has miraculously healed Natausha and is giving us an opportunity to all be back together again as a family in Arizona!! As we head back to Arizona we are starting completely from scratch. Because Natausha was so sick when we left Arizona she did not have a capacity to sell any of our items, store any of our household goods, or ship anything except for the basic necessities. Our amazing family in Hawai'i has been more than generous in supplying our every need while we stayed with them. Gomes 'ohana, we cannot thank you enough! But now we will be starting over and will be in need of everything from toilet paper and toothpaste, cleaning supplies and shampoo, to dishes, pots, pans and bedding. All the household essentials. And we are also saving for a reliable car and an RV/Travel Trailer to have affordable, secure housing. Our family would greatly appreciate anything that you're willing and able to contribute. Even $5 is a help to us. And your prayers! We absolutely TREASURE your prayers. Thank you! Will be moving back to Arizona this Saturday, February 3rd. We will be staying with some friends until we can get back on our feet again. (We are incredibly grateful to the Fuss Family!) Other friends are loaning us their car as we look for a reliable vehicle and currently have $3,500 to purchase. Thank you Hoff Family!! Natausha has had several interviews and has at least two part-time jobs that she is looking forward to starting once we arrive next week. Praise God!! In the days to come (hopefully later today) we will be posting the INCREDIBLE healing testimony!! So stay with us on this journey! Thank you all for your continued love and support! We pray God blesses you as you have been such a blessing to our family. Love & Blessings, The Napoleon 'Ohana Tasi, Natausha, Daniel, and Ben
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