

Hello, My Name is Joao Machado. I have set up this Go Fund Me to help with the high cost of medical bills related to the treatment of my wife Alejandra. For the past three years, my wife has been struggling daily with tremendous body pain as a result of some mysterious illness that may be spinal-related. We have been to every medical specialist imaginable. She has gone through test after test after test and after all this time we have not had a single doctor help eliminate even a small portion of pain. Any pharmaceutical relief has been met with horrible side effects. My wife is a petite woman standing at 5’3” but has dropped to 87 pounds as a result of this illness. She struggles daily to get out of bed. Basic movement can be a challenge. The physical hardship has been met with the fact that I am not currently employed and all the medical costs from monthly premiums to costs of tests administered to other out-of-pocket expenses have been a significant drain for us. But so far we have done our best to manage. That is until now. As a result of getting no help at all in this country, we are now forced to seek help elsewhere. We have met with a specialist who believes he can help her escape from her life of pain but at a significant cost. Naturally, we thought we would need to postpone until things change for me but it seems like delaying any action could result in her health declining even more to the point of being life-threatening. So it is with this frightening news from the doctor that I have turned to ask for help. The tests and treatments will last upwards of three months. All of which would be out of pocket and away from home. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any help is going to go a long way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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