Hello, my name is Tyler Simcoe and I am asking for the community's help to raise money for Uncle Steve Jones. He was in a car wreck and had to get flown to UofL Hospital in a helicopter. He ended up fracturing his L1 vertebrae and breaking his sternum. To our surprise, he was released from UofL and must have somebody with him 24/7. Hes barely able to move around and unable to work. It truly takes a village and we are struggling to make ends meet. A few members of the family, including myself are taking off work to help take care of my Uncle. The money being donated will be put towards medical bills, groceries, rent, and anything else my uncle may need while he is recovering for the next 6 or so months. My uncle is like a father to me and always has been, anything to help him will mean so much and be greatly appreciated.
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