

Hello everyone, my name is David. I’m creating this go fund me for my mom in Mexico, she is an amazing person that has always put everyone before herself, she is the most humble and giving person I know, she raised me as a single mother and is doing again with my little brother with learning disabilities while taking care of my grandparents. She was hit in a car accident by I car totally out of control, her Humerus is completely shattered in to pieces unable to be reconstructed. She has been at the hospital for a week waiting as she needs a titanium plate, inserts and blood donors as well as large amounts of therapy with unknown post surgery consequences. We are from a small town in Mexico where economy is based on tourism so things can be rough. Thank you for taking your time to read this, keep her in your prayers and even though this is only a fraction of what all this is going to cost sincerely any kind of contribution will be most greatly appreciated!.

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