

Hello my loving family and friends!As many of you know, I am a traveling ICU nurse and am loving every minute of it! I get to explore this beautiful country of ours whilst being able to work my dream job as a critical care nurse. But wait! Something is missing, I feel as though I have more to give. I want to be able to utilize this skill God has so graciously gifted me with in a more positive way. God has been pulling me in his direction with a very strong tug lately and led me to this incredible opportunity to serve him as a nurse on a medical missions trip to Haiti this coming February. Myself, along with about 26 other team members, will be hosting medical clinics in a couple different cities in Haiti through an organization called Helping Hands. I cannot be more excited to be apart of this group and experience my first, of hopefully many, medical mission trips. Our team of medical and non-medical volunteers, will be focusing on providing education/information on improving their overall lifetsyle by giving them knowledge and resources to better care for themselves and their communities; along with hosting clinics to assess an estimated 1,000+ Haitians during our 2 weeks of clinics. Although a lot of people are surprised to hear this, it does cost us, the volunteers, quite a bit of money to be able to go overseas and lend our services to those in need. I set up this LFEBridge page for those of you who would like to support me finanacially, if you are able/willing that is. I would greatly appreciate any help at all. The total cost of the trip is over $2000, which is quite a bit of money, but I feel it is for a good cause. If you are unable to donate financially, I will soon be asking for donations of specific supplies that my team will need to take with us, so stay tuned for an anouncment of physical goods needed to be collected. You all are a blessing to me and I cannot be more thankful for the life I have been given. If you are unable to donate, I'll still love you anyway, just a few words of encouragement and prayers for the teams' safe travels and good health; and may we all be graced with kind, reassuring, informative words and gentle, healing, caring hands to truly bless the people we come in contact with in the most influental way possible.  God bless and my love to you all!Thank you for taking the time to read about my cause and thank you for contributing in whatever way you can. Katlin SmartColossians 3:12-14

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