

Hello, ...for my friends, I have known my friend Bruce for a decade now, and he is one of my best friends. Always there for me when I needed an ear, helping me get through my cancer treatments...just by being available, he's been true blue. ...and I love him dearly. Even in his advanced age, he still works by tiling and remodeling spaces...basically making them beautiful, so that he can make ends meet in life. ...anyway, he had one hip replaced, but now the other is hurting him. His livelihood depends on his ability to take odd jobs, but pain is a hindrance...and while I so wish that I could just help him finally retire, at least fixing his bad hip is something. I want to start this GFM, to see if I can possibly help raise the money he'll need to just recuperate for 6-8 weeks. So anything whatsoever would help, small amounts...add up to bigger amounts, so anything at all is helpful. for Bruce's friends, well, you know. I don't need to convince you of anything.

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