Hello, my name is Dulce. My brother Noel, who lives in the Philippines, was recently diagnosed with cancer. He and I are very close, despite the distance of me living in California. Our families were heartbroken finding out the news of his diagnosis and are in need of help to be able to provide him the medical care he needs. Noel has always been a sweet, loving older brother to me, and a selfless younger brother to our kuya (older brother) Alex. Noel is also a devoted father of 4 kids, his youngest daughter being 14 years old. My kuya Noel wants to fight this battle and so do we. I am fully aware that even if our family is there for him, we still won’t be able to do it alone. We’re kindly reaching out to anyone who is able to make a donation to help support my brother and our family’s fight against his cancer. Various tests (RAS, MMR and MSI) are already lined up to determine which medicine for his chemotherapy should be used. 2 mentioned were Cetuximab or Capox +/- Bevacizumab. From his surgery last 06/10/23, we barely have 2 weeks to schedule all these. Unfortunately, nothing can be done until he has cash on hand. My kuya, our family and I, are forever grateful to you all, near and far. Any and every donation is welcomed, with full appreciation and eternal thanks.
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