

Those of you know that I am extremely hard and stubborn when it comes to some things. I refuse to ask for help (tend to figure it out myself). Three years ago, I took Chevy out to use the restroom and he started to whine while trying to urinate. He continuedto try to use the bathroom but not even a drip would come out. I rushed him to the Vet ER hositpal that was 30 minutes from home and thankfully it was open, with it being only a few days to the 4th of July. My options were a emergency temporary surgery to remove the stones or a emergency life long surgery - called pernineal urethrostomy (cuts a hole in the urethra tube to pee from instead of his piece) this would avoid emergecy visits for urinary stones - especially if I also put him on a prescription dog food diet. Chevy was about a year old when the initial surgery took place and he just turned 4 at the beginning of this past June. That being said, I have been able to keep up with the additional surgeries and ER vists over the past 3 years. I am here to ask for any donations towards Chevy's medical bills for his upcoming visit/surgery with a urinary stone specialist Hospital that will cost $6,000 for a permanent solution. I will not give up until Chevy asks me to do so, and he hasn't even slightly hinted at it. He loves life. Chevy is my boy and I love him dearly. Thank you for your time and hope you take time to enjoy the small things!!

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