

As many of you know, I have been working on a bad knee all year...come to find out it is broken and has no cartilage left...I have insurance now thanks to Medicaid expansion so will be getting a new knee December 3rd.  Several of you have asked how you can help during this here it is...PLEASE DONATE in $10 increments...every $10 will go towards paying for one hour of labor (we want to bring back a few of our summer youth kids after school) and my own lost wages for two months...the kitchen will continue to be open with our hours of 10-7 M-F and 9-5 SAT...and we WILL be at the Winter Farmers Markets at Old Trail School!!! PLEASE HELP US KEEP MS JULIE'S KITCHEN OPEN THIS WINTER while I go get better!!!  THANK YOU for helping us and please CONTINUE TO SUPPORT US by EATING our DELICIOUS HEALTHY FOOD all winter!!!

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