

My name is Celeste. I have been diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Heart muscle disorder, Cronic systolic heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction of only 15%, severe advanced mitral valve regurgitation in multiple streams causing backflow into my pulmonary vein, ventricular tachycardia, left ventricle failure, tricuspid regurgitation, fibromyalgia, osteopenia, severe carpal tunnel in right hand and arm, tremors, and spondylosis-I have heart surgery coming up at the Heart Institute at the University of Washington Structural Heart and Cardiomyopathy department. this will be the first, then a difibulator, then a heart transplant-all within the past year. we have been unable to work. My husband was in the hospital for a month for what the wound specialist says is the worst case in 30 years for a severe infection in his leg. He had to undergo emergency surgery where they cut out both sides of his left leg down to the bone. He is still trying to recover with a wound vac to heal. We've applied for help with SSI and disability but it's been over a year and nothing but denials-how worse does it have to be? we've tried assistance but no funds are available and our two kids still living at home 19 &23 are too old for us to get help from DSHS. Our youngest has tried her best to pull us through until something comes through, which has eliminated any savings she has had and has depleted her savings to 0. Medical expenses for my husband's medical supplies have been off the charts, and the gas expenses to get to and from doctor appointments are a lot. two times a week on average, and going to the University of Washington costs 70-80$ for each husbands car is up on jacks due to the brakes going out and he can't afford the part he needs to fix the brakes- My car runs but something is severely going wrong with it after the last trip to Seattle. to top all this off, we have received a 30-day notice to evict because we were unable to pay for our rent last month of $2200 plus utilities. there are bus passes but are only good in Whatcom County not going to the university and I can't get gas vouchers due to the fact of my tabs on my car expired in February and I haven't been able to get the money to renew-they want an active registration to receive vouchers. I am in desperate need of help if anyone can help us before we lose our home. we have already had to cancel multiple appointments because of no gas and tabs. I am having my surgery this month and need help with gas to get to this at the university. they told me I would need a heart transplant, these surgeries are to help me get to that point. I am usually the one that helps others so asking for help is hard. We are sinking fast and if there is anyone out there who can help us, that would mean everything to us. Thank you for reading, I hope you all have an amazing day.

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