

Hi, my name is Judy. My husband, Rich and I are good friends with Mike and Jill Moore. As some of you know, Mike was in a serious motorcycle accident on Monday and has many injuries including a compound fracture to the knee, internal bruising of his organs, road rash, broken pinky fingers and soft tissue damage that is causing him a lot of pain. The doctors believe his recovery will be 6-12 weeks minimum. As you can imagine, this is going to be a financial hardship for the family as he only has a few weeks of PTO and the medical expenses will be ongoing due to follow-up appointments, in-home therapy, medical supplies etc. We’re asking everyone to support our friend who has served in the US Army for 22 years and has served the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept for the last 26 years. As a veteran and a law enforcement officer, Mike and his family deserve our support and I’m humbly asking for donations. **All funds raised will go directly to Mike and Jill and will be deposited in their bank account to help with ongoing medical and daily living expenses.** Thank you all for your support!

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