Living with ALS...Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease is a motor neuron disease that progressively paralyzes the body. The brain is no longer able to communicate with muscles in the body and over time, as muscles break down the person with ALS loses the ability to walk, talk, eat, swallow and eventually breathe. As some of you know, our son, brother, friend, Uncle, and Grandpa Mike ( Scully) has been diagnosed with this terrible disease. In Jan he was officially diagnosed with Bulbar ALS. Unfortunately, this type affects the upper body first so Mike is unable to speak, eat, or swallow. His right arm and leg are also affected, so walking is getting a bit precarious. Mike and Christine have had to adjust to this diagnosis and have done so with such courage and strength, The feelings of grief, loss, and heartbreak are felt by them and everyone who knows this wonderful couple. Mike has had an extraordinary life. He worked in the Toronto film industry as a gaffer, best boy or lighting tech for 30 years. When not working he was diving in the South Pacific filming his underwater videos. Many of us have listened to his long stories about his adventures. This disease has robbed him of telling more tales and having more adventures. He is now needing our help to have all the comforts he needs. Christine will be off work and acting as the primary caregiver to Mike. They need to renovate the main floor bathroom with a wheelchair-access shower and a new toilet. There needs to be a new deck built at the back door and a ramp for wheelchair accessibility. These are the first of many expenses they will face and as Mike's (Scully) disease progresses there will be more. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who has donated. Life for Mike(Scully) and Christine will be that much easier with everyone pulling together, donating and supporting them.
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