

Hello friends and family, I am sure, many of you have heard, Mike was admitted to the hospital in Phoenix Arizona last week. He was admitted for an obstruction in his intestines. While they were clearing the obstruction, they found multiple lesions in his intestines. Upon discovery, they performed a CT scan and found that there were lesions on the liver, lungs, and intestines. We are still waiting for pathology to come back to confirm our suspicions that this is cancer. Kathy and Mike just spent two weeks in Seattle with their grand children and son and daughter-in-law and were on their way home to San Antonio when Mike was admitted to the hospital in Phoenix. Thankfully Kathy has been able to stay at her sister Susan’s house in AZ while Mike has been admitted. After much discussion and planning it has been decided that Mike will come back to Seattle to stay with his son and daughter in law while seeking treatment. As with all medical events this was unpredictable and leaves new financial obligations, such as travel, medications, medical equipment, hospital stays and daily expenses from simply not being in their own state with all of their belongings. We don’t know what the future holds but we do know that Mike being in Seattle, with his son and grand-daughters is exactly where he needs to be. We are hoping to try and ease the financial burden for the Gunels/Crane family and thank you for taking time to read this. we welcome all the good vibes, prayers thoughts and good juju.

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