

On September 30th, 2015 I was hospitalized at St. Joseph's Hospital in Nashua New Hampshire with an acute ulcerative colitis flare. It was the second such flare and hospitalization in four weeks. However, this flare was more intense and after 9 days the doctors determined that it was no longer responding to available treatments. Surgery was recommended. I was transferred to the nearest hospital that specialized in colon-rectal surgeries. Lahey Clinic in Burlington Massachusetts. Here a portion of my colon was removed and I was given an Ileostomy. My stay here was another 9 days.Upon discharge things were going well for approximately a week until I developed some post-surgery complications. I had a Mesenteric Venus Thrombosis which can damage major organs and potentially life threatening. Again I was hospitalized, put on blood thinners and only had a 7 day stay this time. Well 25 days in the hospital was way too much for me. I was not expecting that I would be back again. This past time I was admitted for uncontrolled bleeding due to the blood thinners. This was my hardest and longest stay. I required a blood transfusion and a few other procedures and was in the hospital another 12 days. Like most Americans I live paycheck to paycheck. I have not been able to work in over 12 weeks and still am recovering slow but sure. I currently have a 30 hour a week obligation for my Internship in Counseling in which I work with the poor, homeless and addicted in a Rescue Mission. I also am a full time student. However due to the illness and hospitalization I was not able to meet the eligibility requirements for student financial aid. Down the road there is also the hope of the reversal surgery to place my stoma back inside and reconnect the colon.All funds will be used for medical expenses and daily living expenses. I have literally no funds or income. It is hard and humbling to ask for support. I am just praying for enough to get me by until I recover and can return to work. Any support is welcome, small or large, prayers or monetary. Thank you for you Love and support, it is much needed.

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