

Our dear friend’s 8 month old daughter, Meleana, was just diagnosed with a retinoblastoma- a cancer of the eye found in children. Mellie will start chemotherapy immediately, which will include laser treatments, several eye exams under anesthesia, and follow up MRIs/ bloodwork. Her family will be traveling from Temecula to Los Angeles for treatments, and will need to stay in hotels the nights prior to early morning treatments & following long days at the hospital. Mellie’s Mom, Julissa, is in the midst of figuring out her work schedule in order to take Mellie to her appointments and be home to take care of her. The financial impact on their family will be great, and any contribution, whether it be through continued prayers, financial support, or supplies for their hospital stays, is so greatly appreciated. Thank you for stepping alongside this family during this incredibly trying time. Even through the most challenging circumstances, we believe God is GOOD and sovereign. We are anxious to see his mighty power at work in sweet Mellies life, and are eternally grateful for your love and support during this time. Please pray with us- Dear God, we pray this week for Julissa and Meleana. Please Jesus be with them and show up in MIGHTY and tangible ways. Lord we pray that the cancer has not spread, stays contained, and is completely eliminated from Mellie’s eye. We pray for her comfort, and that she can be as pain free as possible through all of this. We pray for Julissa. Give her strength Lord and endurance as they fight this battle. Please keep her healthy, give her as much rest as possible so she has energy for these long days, and give her hope and peace. We pray for the doctors and nurses as they care for Meleana. Please give them wisdom and discernment to give her the best care possible. We pray for Cristal and their whole family as they process and support their niece/ granddaughter. Lord we know you can and will do above and beyond what we could ask or imagine. We know you will do incredible things and bring beauty from ashes. We believe you work all things together for your glory and our good. Do not let this battle be wasted Jesus. Allow it to strengthen relationships, transform lives for your sake, build character, impact our parenting in positive ways, and allow us to focus on what’s eternal. Even in all of this, let us feel the joy only you can bring. Give us hearts of gratitude and faith as we walk this journey. Amen 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”

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