

For 10 years I have been battling against a rare bone tumor and cyst-like lesion called a Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor. This rare and aggressive bone tumor causes the bone to be degraded in the jaw. This is the third time this has arose despite two other attempts to cure it. This condition causes me a great deal of pain and discomfort. An open lesion in my mouth from the previous surgeries drains into my stomach causing extreme nausea. Despite having a full time job as a personal trainer and medical insurance, the amount that the surgery will cost is high and unaffordable. I have attempted to seek other oral surgeons with no success. The procedure is not covered with any office due to the type of procedure it is. I am not one to ask for help, but I really need it. If I let this go like I did the first time occured, the fluid will spread into my skull and eventualy cause my jaw to fracture. Any little bit helps me. I want to get back to normal so that I can return to work and keep helping people be the best versions of themself as possible. Thank you so much to anyone willing to spare for my cause.

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