Hi, I'm Dave and I want to open my own Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS) in Kimberley, Nottingham. For the past two years, I have been operating mainly online, as well as attending local events, but I need a brick-and-mortar storefront. Well, the perfect property has come, and I am currently in the process of making my dream become a reality. However, to do this I need your help! Unfortunately, everything in this world revolves around money, and while I have attended many events and met lots of lovely people, the money I have made has gone back into the business to buy stock and necessary equipment! So that is why I am here, asking for your help! I know times are tough for everyone, and not everyone is currently looking to buy a game; but could you consider donating a pound or two to help me out? Alternatively, if you are looking for a game, consider buying some games from me too as this is an even bigger help! You can buy games from the web store https://www.meeplesandmulligans.co.uk/ Thank you, and happy gaming
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