

Estimados amigos y conocidosLes comunico que mi madre Petra González García el día 01 de julio del presente sufrió un paro cardíaco y un derrame cerebral por lo que se encuentra delicada de salud e internada en el hospital. Para su recuperación mi madre necesita equipo médico, medicamento, y terapia. Con lo que puedan ayudar de antemano agradezco la ayuda que puedan brindar. Dios los llene de bendiciones.  Atte. Familia Garrido Diaz Family and friends, On June 1st my mother had stroke which caused a portion of her brain to die. There was still a blood clot that doctors were not able to get to and was in critical conditions. Moving forward my mom will need physical therapy, medical supply’s, medications, follow ups, an extension to her visa, along with keeping up with bills. I’ve missed work as I’ve stayed every night with my mom due to the language barrier and concerns of her well being. I appreciate any help I get during these difficult times for my family and I. Thanks, Garrido Diaz Family. 

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