

UPDATE 8/12: Jeff is now done with 8 of 10 treatments and has the weekend off. At this point there has been no big change, sometimes he can feel me (Cindy) touching his feet and at other times he can't. No movement in feet or legs. Mid-abdomen pain continues to be a problem. Dr Cové consulted this morning and will be doing one more scan Monday or Tuesday to look once more at the spinal column to look for "pinches." Pending the final two treatments and the scan one of two things will likely happen... 1) if no change they will look for a rehab facility that will focus on teaching us how to live as a paraplegic as there is no feeling or movement from about 4 inches below the belly button down ... or 2) if a change happens we will find a rehab place to focus on continued improvement. This is a critical weekend and week and we covet your continued prayers (and we are believing!) for full restoration of feeling and movement. Tough news but we serve a mighty God! UPDATE 8/2: there was minimal improvement with the inflammatory medications. They wanted him to be back where he was (or close to) on Monday. And we haven't seen that. He is heading back to the hospital for radiation UPDATE 8/1: Jeff had a great day yesterday and did a lot for evaluations and therapy however in the evening noticed a marked reduction of leg and foot movement. This morning he is back to VERY limited movement in legs and feet. He contacted his neurosurgeon, who says it is either a repeat cord compression (cancer? highly unlikely this early at 4 weeks) or inflammation from everything they did yesterday. They are prescribing a steroid and anti-inflammatory medication and will give it 24 hours to see if anything changes. If it does and movement comes back then he stays put, treats the inflammation and continues PT. If it doesn't then the most probable thing would be back to the hospital and immediate radiation started. Please specifically pray that it is swelling that reacts to the meds! Some of you may not know, but Jeff Guddat has been battling spinal cancer for some time and has been hospitalized for several weeks now. He has had medical issues with neurological side effects following a spinal surgery. Jeff is fighting to regain the strength and control in his legs. He has improved enough to be discharged from acute care at the hospital, but has physical needs that limit the rehab facilities he can go to. The facility skilled and equipped to help him is not covered by insurance. This is an unanticipated need, that would hopefully be a 1-2 week stay to get him strong enough to be transferred to a facility that is covered by insurance. Any and all financial help, as well as prayers, would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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