Hi, my name is Shannon and I am requesting prayers, care and financial help for my cousin Kimberly Jensen Langford. Sadly, my beautiful cousin Kim was diagnosed with Lymphoma approximately two months ago and has accepted this diagnosis with grace and tenacity to win the race. She is a single woman who has worked hard to keep going but has hit a wall. She has undergone three rounds of really strong chemotherapy which has left her weak in body and spirit. She has sadly had to resign from her job which entails caring for others to focus on her recovery. She just received word that she must have at least three more rounds of this very invasive chemotherapy along with multiple prescriptions which have drained all of her financial savings and insurance allowance. If you know Kim, she would never ask anyone for assistance and would be the first to support those in need. If you find it in your heart to help with her mounting expenses, I know that it would be greatly appreciated and give her continued hope to beat this battle. Thank you to all who have already covered her in prayer and with words of encouragement. Thank you for taking a moment to read this request and may my beautiful cousin be Cancer Free and continue to brighten the World with her beautiful spirit and heart.
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