

UPDATE 9/10: Tomorrow marks three months since Pat was hit from behind while walking his dog, Sherlock, on the sidewalk in his neighborhood. Pat got the news this week that he is still not able to drive, and he continues to have pain and symptoms of traumatic brain injury. Neighbors will keep helping with mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage, and getting Sherlock out for exercise, but that kind of help doesn't pay the bills... and there are a LOT of bills. Investigators and attorneys are still building a case, and monetary compensation is still a long time coming, and won't be close to enough to cover all of the medical bills and lost income. We are super-close to the half-way mark in our fundraising efforts for Pat!!! Please give if you can! If have already given - Thank You! You can continue to help by spreading this link far and wide. Many of Pat's friends and colleagues are just now discovering this story. UPDATE 8/26: Thanks to everyone who has contributed to helping Pat and Sherlock! Every bit helps. Please share this fundraiser with your network of friends and family. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint, and Pat will need ongoing financial help. UPDATE 8/14: A Message From Pat: "There is so much to be grateful for. I'm especially grateful for the health I have and the kind generosity of those who have donated. I've engaged a lawyer who thinks that when all is said and done I might get a little payout from insurance beyond covering medical bills. It will be another six months at least before I'll know anything definite. These things are marathons, not sprints. The shift in mindset is now for defraying out-of-pocket costs and covering basic living expenses while I recover. Thank you for considering how you might help me. Every little bit helps me and Sherlock with the day-to-day costs of living. Cheers, Patrick UPDATE 8/1: Hi there! We are so super close to $15K for Pat and Sherlock! Whoot! Let's do this! Please share with everyone in your network to keep the support coming. All gifts go toward paying ongoing medical bills and covering lost income. Sherlock was on the news again (see the link below)! Thankfully he is not getting a big ego. He is as sweet as ever and got to spend his first night back at home since the June 11th accident that left his Papa Pat in a coma. Pat is progressing well in his therapy (lifting 3# weights - look out!) and is grateful for all of the love and support. UPDATE: Wow! Soooo close to $7K! Chip in and be the one to get us over that milestone! PT, OT, and SLP don't come cheap. Pat's PT goal is to get strong enough to bring Sherlock home. Sherlock is dreaming of that day. Help Pat reach his goals without going bankrupt. Sherlock will thank you (and so will Pat). Please share with your network of friends. UPDATE: Check it out! Thanks to everyone who has contributed. Almost $3000 for Pat and Sherlock! They were briefly reunited, but Pat is not strong enough or mobile enough yet to keep Sherlock at home. Still a lot of healing, therapy, and expenses to go. Chip in if you can! Please share. This is written on behalf of Patrick “Pat” Beach. On June 11, 2024, Pat was walking his dog, Sherlock, on Appleton St in Oakley, a neighborhood in Cincinnati, OH. He was hit from behind by a man driving a cargo van. The driver went up onto the sidewalk and struck Pat nearly killing him. Pat was in the ICU in a coma for 11 days, where he also suffered acute compartment syndrome in both legs. To prevent the loss of his legs due to nerve damage, they were cut lengthwise to relieve the pressure (fasciotomy). Miraculously, Pat survived with his cognition intact and has been in a rehab facility getting Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy. He has a broken leg, multiple broken ribs, and a broken clavicle. His legs and feet are also still healing. Pat needs help to cover medical expenses, and recoup income lost while he is unable to work as a freelance writer (he was downsized from his FT job during COVID). The costs of 38 days in the ICU and rehab hospital have added up quickly. And with ongoing home health care expenses will continue to accrue. While he is slowly getting stronger, there is a long road of recovery ahead. Please give what you can to help this funny, smart, kind person to get back on his feet – literally and figuratively. Anything you can give will help take some stress off Pat’s shoulders to allow for as fast and full a recovery as possible. Thank You. P.S. For readers concerned about Pat’s dog, Sherlock - neighbors joined forces to find Sherlock (he's fine) and have been caring for the dog and Pat’s house collectively since the accident. Reunited & it feels so good but a long road ahead.

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