My good friend Matt has come to a point in his life to where he needs a new ticker. On June 29, 2012 Matt was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy/congestive heart failure. He was fitted with a cardiac life vest. A week later he found a Facebook group for those that have the same disease. He posted a picture of himself in the vest and lady named Margo saw the picture. She had been fitted with a vest a few months prior. She sent him a message with words of encouragement and understanding. From that day on they began to talk about their condition and a relationship began to form. On Aug 23, 2013 they were engaged and on February 12, 2014, the 2 year anniversary of Margo's diagnosis, they were married. They have been through this journey together ever since. Matt has been a life long drummer and in 2013, along with his diagnosis, started a Facebook page called Phoenix Area Drummers. His vision was to bring drummers in Arizona together and he succeeded big time. The online group morphed into a working organization that holds clinics, swap meets and fund raisers. He has also sold real estate for more than 20 years. Over the past few months, Matt's condition has deteriorated to the point that his heart is working at 10% capacity. There is no way his body can sustain so weak of a heart, so he has gone through a battery of tests to determine his fitness for a heart transplant. On July 3rd he is officially on the transplant list and waiting for that new ticker. It will be a long time before Matt will be able to get out to sell real estate and probably longer before he can sit behind drums on a stage. To this end, I have decided to start this page to try to get some help for Matt AND Margo. Both Matt and Margo have been pretty quiet in this trial.. not broadcasting the situation. They even had to think about letting me set up this page. They don’t want to burden anyone.. They need us in this absolutely uncertain time. Please share this link with anyone and everyone. Matt and Margo are grateful for your support, whether it be monetarily, spiritually and or emotionally. Thank you so much. Be good humans. Randy
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