10/28/15I'll spare the tear-jerking story that LFEBridge suggested I write and hit you with some facts:-I know about 7 decent people.-Matt Gallant is one of those people.-Matt is a Providence Firefighter who was severely injured in a head-on hit-and-run accident last week after some bozo left his lane and hit him. It took rescue workers (his coworkers) 30 minutes to cut him out of his truck. -Matt's truck is a pile of mush, as you can see in the picture.-Not only is this strapping, handsome young man basically a superhero in the community, but he is also a functioning member of the underground music scene. The man can shred.-We can't help him with his injuries, but we can help him get his feet back on the ground. Actually, that's something his physical therapist will do. We'll just give him our money.I'd like to get some money together to buy Matt another truck. I've set a $5000 goal for a truck. I'm sure he'll get about $36.48 from his insurance company for his old truck. Any extra money will go to medical expenses and cheeseburgers/tacos. (Before anyone says that you can't buy a truck for $5000, I'm looking for a 4-6 cylinder, small pre-owned pickup truck. Something a real human would use for normal life as a person, not a yee-haw-rebel tank/juggernaut that gets 1.25 MPG and comes with metal balls.)I think this is a super reasonable goal for a real good guy with so many friends and supporters. I will keep this page up until November 18th.Oh, and don't tell him about this so he can't tell me not to do it. Here's the backstory for those who don't know:http://wpri.com/2015/10/24/one-injured-in-serious-hit-and-run-crash/Sorry Matt, but your truck sucks now.
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