In 2012 I met the man of my dreams! He stepped into my daughters life and became dad almost instantly! We married later on and had a son of our own. We seemed like we had it all and everything was perfect from the outside. Nobody knew the pain and sadness he felt inside. Not even myself after all these years! The trauma he endured starting in his youth and continuing into his whole life, every single day. At 13 he began to drink to hide his pain and escape his reality. At age 36, this continues to be part of his daily routine! Drink to suppress all the memories and forget the scars that were left. After multiple DWIs, drug consumption and a pure hatred for his own life he needed serious help! With a little support and some inpatient rehabilitation he was able to find recovery for two years. 2005-2007. His life has sense spiraled back out of control. At age 36 he is drinking straight liquors just to maintain his addiction. It keeps the shakes away, keeps the vomiting down, the sweats/chills. This is where we need YOUR HELP! He is to be admitted into a wonderful program at Ashley Treatment Facility just North of Baltimore. It is a wonderful 28 day program (initially) with a family program so that, I myself can seek treatment to recovery from the trauma his drinking has caused me and our relationship not to mention a awesome program for kids who have parents that use! Our not so wonderful insurance will pay 100% for about the first 14days and then we will most likely need to come up with a rate of $1,033.00/day. Martin is our families soul provider financially as I have a hip disability that is needing of a second surgery making most of my daily life routine painful or difficult. We would like to ask our family, friends, strangers for your help with some funds to keep him in the inpatient treatment center without interruption and if extra to help keep our normal bills up to date while he is away.
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