ENGLISH: Manuel Diaz is a father of 5 and grandfather to 9 grandchildren. Not too long ago, Manuel came to the United States from Venezuela in hopes of a new life near his family. Now he is challenged with a new battle in which he is facing myocarditis, strokes, renal and basal insufficiencies and blood poisoning rooted from multiple infections. In his current state, his family has been struggling to make ends meet and provide him with their utter support during this hard process. As scary and intense these days have been, his family has been trying their best to keep it all together. The Diaz's are just in need of some help in order to offer Manuel the love and support he deserves while he is lying on his hospital bed. He has fought and he has persevered for his family, it is time we continue doing that for him and return that favor. SPAÑOL: Manuel Díaz es padre de 5 y abuelo de 9 nietos. Hace poco, Manuel vino a los Estados Unidos desde Venezuela con esperanza de una nueva vida cerca de su familia. Ahora se encuentra en una nueva batalla en la que se enfrenta a problemas de miocarditis, accidentes cerebrovasculares, insuficiencias renales y basales y sepsis originada de múltiples infecciones. En su estado actual, su familia ha estado luchando para poder hacer pagos y a la misma vez brindarle a Manuel todo su apoyo durante este proceso inexplicablemente duro. A pesar de lo aterradores e intensos que han sido estos días, su familia ha hecho todo lo posible para mantenerse todos unidos. Los Díaz necesitan ayuda para ofrecerle a Manuel el amor y el apoyo que se merece mientras está acostado en su camilla. Manuel ha luchado y ha perseverado por su familia, es hora de que sigamos haciendo eso por él para devolverle ese favor. He has fought and he has persevered for his family, it is time we continue doing that for him and return that favor.
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