

Dear Friends and Supporters, We need your help to make a difference for Christine Ferrari! She is a beloved mother, to daughter Apryl Love and son Gregory King who recently passed 6/16/23, grandmother, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, widow, friend, an old coworker, Rome NY native and Californian for the last 50+years and an everyday friendly face that spreads a smile and conversation wherever she goes. We and her extended family found out recently that she has stage 4 cancer in multiple locations which includes an aggressive lung cancer, and she is on the path to undergo various medical treatments from natural to chemo to fight it. As most of you are aware she is battling this aggressive cancer with unwavering strength and determination. We are making this Go-Fund me to help Christine receive the vital care needed for her healing journey. She is retired from working and has some health insurance coverage, is already on a fixed income, and will be exploring various organizations' financial and other resources that are out there but as we all know Cancer tries to steal everything not just our bodies from us and it is a costly journey to go through that includes many unforeseen costs. Christine's spirit shines bright and remains resilient. However, the cost of her treatments adds up to approximately $3,000 per month, placing an overwhelming financial burden on her shoulders. That's why we've launched this LFEBridge campaign. By contributing, you directly impact her life, providing the necessary funds to cover her medical expenses. Together, we can ease her financial worries, allowing her to focus solely on regaining her strength and vitality. Our goal is to raise $9,000, which covers approximately three months of vital treatments. Every dollar counts, and any amount you can spare will make a significant impact. We also kindly ask you to share this campaign with your network, increasing our collective efforts and spreading the message of hope. On behalf of Christine, her loved ones, and the entire community, we extend our deepest gratitude for your compassion, generosity, and support. Let us unite in the face of adversity, offering hope that guides Christine toward a brighter, healthier future. Please consider at this time a special donation to Christine to cover beyond costs or personal needs that will arise during this fight. She is a loving, generous spirit who takes care of her family and friends. Anything contributed is a wonderful blessing and we will keep you updated on this journey, we would like to leave you with this popular but true poem (author unknown). What Cancer Cannot do Cancer is so limited… It cannot cripple love It cannot shatter hope It cannot corrode faith It cannot destroy peace It cannot kill friendship It cannot suppress memories It cannot silence courage It cannot invade the soul It cannot steal eternal life It cannot conquer the Spirit. With heartfelt thanks,

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