

So those that know Lou will know she’s had the worst few months ever which this last week peaked higher than Mt Everest. Lou has very complex chrons and remains a medical mystery to all of the numerous consultants and specialists that have been asked to consider her ‘case’. At this current time her bowel is riddled with disease and Lou is being pumped full of steroids to try and keep it from completely failing. The bowel seems to be kind of liking the steroids however her brain isn’t and this week she suffered a huge full on psychotic episode which will have a lasting impact on her, her partner and her gorgeous daughters. Lou is now stabilised on yet more drugs and has the support of the CMHT. Lou is having to change her current medications in the hope that her body will accept a new off licence drug, a bit like a trial I guess. This is where she’s at. She’s desperate and she and the medics are willing to try anything. One of the changes is to her blood thinners. To check how her body is responding she needs her levels testing every other day. This would mean trips to hospital which in itself is a massive ask…..she can’t drive because of the steroids and therefore her partner who works full time needs to take time off work, parking has to be paid for etc. However Lou could do this herself at home with a piece of equipment she can’t afford but we can between us hence this page. The very cheapest version is about £300. Any money over this amount (and don’t forget the website takes a small %) would then go to Lou to either treat herself and the girls to some cake, Chinese takeaway or whatever else they choose or, and what we all know will happen, is that Lou will spend it on materials for one of the many projects she wants to complete at home. The steroids mean her brain and body won’t rest and Lou has all sorts of plans to make her home her sanctuary. She has the brains and the ability but not the funds for the materials. Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for any kind donations.

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