

Leo was born 2/11/22 he’s diagnosed with klinefelters xxy47 and a deletion in his first chromosome q1.41 42.13. He’s had a heart surgery, GTube, and tracheotomy all within the first year of life. We went to rehab for three months and were sent home 05/24/23 Leo was home fifteen days before he needed to be readmitted to MGH for a infection during this admission he had his first seizure and had a hard time with the medication he was put on. we’ve switched meds and he was doing well. We were also working on his feeds which have been a constant struggle. After a week a central line placed so we could give him TPN ( total parenteral nutrition) which caused a blood clot in his left leg that is now being treated with injections for twelve weeks that I’ll continue to give at home but that means more appointments to MGH. After a very busy year we’ve now used all our funds and bills are becoming harder to pay so we’re looking for some extra support with our rent so I can bring my sweet boy home and stay there while we work on getting a steady income back. I’d be willing to provide any information for anyone who asks. Any extra funds will go towards getting my car registered, inspected and fun things for our family. I also have chime if anyone wants to send funds directly to there $lindafisher94.

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