Hi guys, I'm captain Adam Morley and this is my go fund me project:As a captain for St. Augustine Eco Tours I have spent a lot of time on the water. Over the years the amount of plastic waste/litter I've seen and picked up from our waterways has been the drive behind many of my endeavors (but I call them "adventures"). In 2008 my wife and I started ANJ Recycling Service (www.anjrecycling.com) to increase local recycling efforts. We sold that company this year and it continues today.With sustainability in mind we have made changes in our lifestyle to reflect our passion and our hope for a better future. We joined the Tiny Home Movement, went 100% solar with our home, and bought an electric car.I have seen the influence my family's actions have had on our community and that has continued to fuel my efforts because I know we're making a difference in our world.Now I need your help in taking my efforts to the next level. As I said, I do what I can as far as picking up trash on my tours with St. Augustine Eco Tours (www.staugustineecotours.com) and every now and then I can use one of the company boats to conduct a small river cleanup (checkout this story: http://m.staugustine.com/interact/blog-post/attinson63/2015-10-13/cleaning-matanzas-one-plastic-bottle-time#gsc.tab=0) but I know we can do more. The goal is to obtain a used boat within our budget and retrofit it to become the "Litter Gitter Trash Barge", this means clearing the deck of any recreational luxuries, installing lean rails and equipping the deck with large collection bins for the trash we collect. The vessel will be used to conduct - available to the public -waterway cleanup "tours" in the Northeast Florida region. In addition to trash collection we will be collecting data on the types of trash we collect and use it to drive local solutions to this global problem.
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