

Hey friends! My name is Nic and I'm fundraising for my mama, Lisa. If you're here, chances are you're someone that means the world to my mom. Recently, due to an unforeseen circumstance, her car received some extensive damage and has been “totaled” by her insurance company, meaning she has to get a new one. My mom is one of the most giving and generous people I know. Now, she’s not necessarily one to ask for help so ***let’s keep this a surprise*** But nonetheless, her kind generosity has marked my life 10X over, and in some way, I imagine yours as well I have a dream for all of my mom's closest family and friends to blow her socks off and lavish her in generosity by raising $8,500 to bless her with not just a car that "works" but one that she really wants. If you know my ma, you know she LOVES to travel and I want her to be safe as she does so. Any amount would mean the world as this is TRULY about her feeling surrounded by the people that love her the most. Help me give back to my sweet mama as she's given SO VERY much to the world around her. Again... this whole campaign is a top secret surprise mission :) Warmly, Nic Farley

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